Understand JIT and AOT in Angular
Are you able to explain JIT and AOT difference properly in your angular interviews,
Lets understand below:
JIT — Just in time compilation
AOT- Ahead of time compilation
This is compilation strategy which angular follows.
To explain this, we need to understand what is code compilation ?
Code compilation refers to converting your angular application template and typescript code into JavaScript code that browser can understand.
JIT (Just-In-Time) Compilation
When does compilation happen ?
- At runtime, in the browser, while the application is running.
How it works ?
- During development, Angular sends uncompiled HTML templates and TypeScript code to the browser.
- The Angular compiler (built into the app) compiles the templates into JavaScript in the browser when the app loads.
- Faster build times (no compilation during the build process).
- Useful for quick iterations during development.
- Larger bundle size (compiler is included in the app).
- Slower application startup, as the browser compiles templates on load.
It is generally used in development mode for faster builds and debugging.
// commands
ng build
ng serve
AOT (Ahead-of-Time) Compilation
When does compilation happen ?
- During build time, before the application is deployed.
How it works ?
- Angular compiles your templates and TypeScript code into JavaScript during the build process.
- The resulting code is optimized and doesn’t require the Angular compiler in the browser.
- Faster application startup (precompiled templates).
- Smaller bundle size (because Angular compiler is excluded, code is already compiled).
- Longer build times compared to JIT.
It is recommended for production builds for better performance and smaller bundles.
ng build --prod
- In JIT, the Angular app ships with the compiler to compile code in the browser during runtime.
- In AOT, all templates and code are precompiled into JavaScript at build time, ensuring faster, smaller, and more secure applications.
Thanks for reading !!
I hope you learnt something today, Reach me out here for more discussion related to angular.